winning trades
Investing is always risky whether you are using a bot or trading manually. Even the top banks and hedge funds with the most sophisticated bots still have an experienced trader sat monitoring their bots just in case of extreme market volatility.
Trading bots are tools to make trading strategies more effective, they ARE NOT magic bullet solutions to making overnight millions!
This is a decentralised trading bot system, we do NOT hold your exchange API keys, your cybertronic pet does!
Choose your cybertronic pet and follow the guide to build his new kennel from which he will live and work.
Pick which cryptos you want your pet pooch to trade and which tricks (strategy) he should use.
Dogs are loyal, but not so smart. It is only a cybernetically enhanced mutt! Keep an eye on him and the coins he trades.
Your custom crypto list can be used by your Portfolio Tracker and Trading Bot